The Unspoken Rules of Being a Swim Parent (According to Happy Fins Swim School)

Being a swim parent isn’t just about signing your little one up for lessons and waving goodbye from the changing room. Oh no—it’s an art form. And like all art, it comes with a few unspoken rules. Don’t worry, we’re here to add a splash of humour and guide you through the journey.

1. Thou Shalt Not Forget the Towel

You’re not just forgetting a towel. You’re risking a soggy car seat, chilly post-lesson tears, and your child loudly declaring, “You ALWAYS forget, Mum!” Keep a spare in the car boot. And while you’re at it, throw in an extra pair of trunks and a snack. Future You will thank you.

2. Master the Swim Hat Hustle

There’s nothing quite like the rush of trying to cram a swim hat onto a wriggling child before their lesson starts. The hat inevitably gets stuck halfway on, your fingers get trapped, and then, just as you’re about to win the battle, they bolt off to their teacher. Classic.

3. Goggles? Not Your Problem

Ah, the beauty of Happy Fins: our teachers are goggle-adjustment experts. No need for you to get involved in the “too tight/too loose” saga. Sit back, relax, and let us handle it.

4. Clear Views, No Splashes

Watching through the screen has its perks. You’ll get a front-row seat to every proud moment—like their first underwater swim or nailing a perfect back float—all whilst dodging rogue splashes. Relax, cheer them on, and enjoy staying dry!

5. Celebrate Small Wins (and Big Splashes)

Your child just floated on their back for 3 seconds? Absolute legend. They managed to dunk their head underwater without swallowing half the pool? Call the grandparents. These moments are huge—grab a cuppa and celebrate!!

6. Hairdryers Save the Day

Pool hair: the universal sign your child had a great time. Luckily, we’ve got hairdryers ready and waiting to bring them back to something resembling presentable. Just be prepared to hear, “It’s TOO HOT!” at least twice.

7. Don’t Compare Splash Zones

Some kids leap into the pool with the enthusiasm of a dolphin; others prefer a more… dignified toe-by-toe entry. Either way, they’re making progress, and both approaches are 100% valid.

8. Snack Duty Is Non-Negotiable

Swimming burns energy. That means snacks are an absolute must. Pro tip: nothing too crumbly—no one wants half a biscuit ground into the backseat. And don’t forget to grab a treat for yourself—you’ve earned it.

9. Remember Why You’re Here

It’s not just about swimming—it’s about confidence, safety, and life skills. These lessons are laying the foundation for a lifetime of fun and independence in the water. And yes, that includes every giggle, splash, and proud moment along the way.


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